Our mission is to ensure the safety of all individuals within our diocese, particularly minors and vulnerable adults, through education, prevention, and prompt response to allegations of abuse.
We implement comprehensive background checks and safe environment training for all clergy, employees, and volunteers who work with minors.
We provide age-appropriate safety education for children and young people in our schools and religious education programs.
We have a clear protocol for responding to allegations of abuse, ensuring that all reports are taken seriously and addressed promptly.
We offer support and resources to victims/survivors of abuse and their families.
We maintain strict adherence to diocesan policies, USCCB guidelines, and local laws regarding child protection.
If you have been a victim of abuse involving a member of the clergy, a church employee, or volunteer, or if you suspect such abuse has occurred, we urge you to report it immediately.
SEE USEFUL CONTACTSThe Diocese of St Thomas follows a comprehensive set of policies and procedures designed to prevent abuse and respond effectively when allegations arise. We offer a variety of resources for parents, educators, and parish leaders to help create and maintain safe environments for children and young people.
ACCESS RESOURCESDiocese of St Thomas in the Virgin Islands
The Catholic Chancery
Office of Child Protection
P.O. Box 301825
St. Thomas, VI 00803-1825
Phone: (340) 772-0138
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]